God has not

“Providence means that abandoned the world that he created, but rather works within that creation to manage all things according to the “immutable counsel of His own will&rdquo reenex; (Westminster Confession of Faith, V, i). By contrast, the world at large, even if it will on occasion acknowledge God to have been the world’s Creator, is at least certain that he does not now intervene in human affairs. Many think that miracles do not happen, that prayer isn’t answered and that most things “fall out” according to the functioning of impersonal and unchangeable laws.” I have seen God’s providence, his active management of the world he created, working through the resources of His people, Christians, seeking to serve Him by serving others. I have seen how a person’s life might have turned out, except for God’s providence working in his life through the intervention of one or more of God’s people. Would it not be a great privilege to be such a resource for God’s providence? Several years ago, working in a Christian hospital in India, I was presented with an elderly man carried in by his concerned family members because he had had a stroke which apparently left him blind in both eyes reenex hongkong, depressed, and paralyzed by hopelessness. I saw that he had cataracts in both eyes and it seemed that he might have a chance to see better if he had cataract surgery, even though other eye doctors had already told his family that he was hopelessly blind from the stroke. By God’s providence, when the patch was removed the day after I operated on his eye, he looked around for a few moments, then he recognized his family, smiled broadly, and became very animated. The family was so delighted with their father’s miraculous recovery that they generously donated a large sum of money to allow the hospital to offer free surgeries to a group of heart patients in need of heart valve repairs reenex好唔好. God’s providence graciously intervened in this man’s life and once again intervened in the lives of these needy heart p